Soccer teams only find success if they are operating together like a well-oiled machine. For that to happen, all 11 players on the pitch must be playing their positions correctly. While formations will change the responsibilities of individual players, there are important positions for each team. Below is a breakdown of what defenders, midfielders, and …
Soccer School
No matter what level of soccer a player takes part in, warming up is an essential start for any practice or match. Without a proper warm-up, the body is much more susceptible to injury, and a player is also not going to be as sharp as they would like. Not everyone enjoys the warm-up process, …
Soccer is one of those sports that just about everyone plays at one point in their life these days. They might not stick with it too long past their youth, but there will always be those who really gravitate towards the game and will not go as far as possible athletically. Learning the game of …
Soccer is known as perhaps the ultimate team sport, but that does not mean that a player can’t work on individual skills on their own time. In fact, a lot of soccer drills are easy to do completely alone, allowing a player to take the game to the next level when others might be resting. …
To improve in the game of soccer, players need to practice specific skills and have them down as much as possible. Failure to have a basic understanding of specific skills will prevent a player from progressing as much as they should. These nine skills below should be practiced as much as possible, especially during the …
One of the beauties of soccer is that children of any age can play it. All it takes is a ball and a few players to get some semblance of the game going. For the younger generation, using a full-size soccer ball does not make that much sense. It is hard to control when a …
A card system is used across all levels to keep conduct under control in soccer. Referees can issue either a yellow or red card for the most outrageous behavior. Most soccer fans have seen a referee running up to a player and showing them a yellow card, but how are they determined? The Basics: What …
Penalties exist in nearly every sport to keep order during play. Soccer is no different, as they have a penalty system used by the referees that dates back to the original rules of the game. Depending on the severity, players can receive differently colored cards. The ultimate punishment? A red card. What is a soccer …
Whether it is watching or playing, soccer can sometimes come off as a bit of organized chaos. Even those who have casually followed the sport might not exactly know how many players are on each team. Understanding lineups, and how they can change in the middle of a match, is also a big step towards …